Self-Guided Walking Tour of San Francisco

The Castro District Tour: The Fight for LGBT Rights


Start from Castro Rainbow Flag, San Francisco

Duration 80-85 min

Available offline


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About 🔎

Welcome to the Castro District. My name is Britt, and today we'll walk through this amazing, world-changing neighborhood. On this tour, you’ll get to see the decades of history that the residents of the Castro have been through. You may already know that for many years, San Francisco has been a place where gay men and women have been free to live the life they want. But as you’ll see on this tour, the city hasn’t always been so free. To earn the rights that everybody has today, the residents of this neighborhood have gone through lifetimes of struggle. On this tour, you’ll see many of the locations where these struggles occurred. The tour will last about 2 hours.

Created by Britt

Highlights ✨

Castro Rainbow Flag

Triangle Pillars

Victorian Houses

Most Holy Redeemer Church

Twin Peaks Tavern

Rainbow Mural

Harvey Milk's Camera Store

Window Display

Pink Swallow


Castro Rainbow Flag - End of tour

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