Self-Guided Walking Tour of Plymouth

Plymouth Pilgrim Tour


Start from Mayflower II, Plymouth

Duration 100-105 min

Available offline


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About 🔎

Hi, my name is Christian, a local and licensed tour guide of the city of Boston! This tour will cover the town of Plymouth where a group of brave Pilgrims landed in 1620 establishing the first colony in New England. The tour will trace the very path that the Pilgrims followed more than 400 years ago and includes a visit to a replica of the Mayflower ship. Distance: 1.5 miles. Time: 90 minutes.

Created by Christian

Highlights ✨

Mayflower II

Plymouth Rock

William Bradford Statue

Leyden St.

Pilgrim Women's Statue

Plot Number 1

William Brewster Plot

First Church

Sparrow House

Grist Mill

First Fort Location

William Bradford Tomb

Thomson Phillips House

Cole's Hill Burial Sarcophagus

Massasoit Statue

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