Self-Guided Walking Tour of Córdoba

Córdoba from the Jewish quarter to the Mosque


Start from Introduction to the City, Córdoba

Duration 90-95 min

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About 🔎

Hello, I am Manu, and I am going to guide you through the west side and center of the wonderful city of Córdoba. On this tour we will discover not only the deep historical layers of the city of Cordoba, we will also enjoy and look for the secrets that the Jewish quarter hides inside and the gems that can be found inside. The synagogue or San Bartolomé are just a few examples of the places we will see, learning even a traditional cooking recipe of the city!

Created by Manu

Highlights ✨

Introduction to the City

Almodóvar Gate

Jewish Quarter of Córdoba


Maimonides Statue

San Bartolomé Chapel

Salmorejo Cordobés Alley

Alcazar's Baths

Alcázar of the Christian Monarchs

Albolafía Mill

Roman Bridge

Arch of Triumph

Saint Raphael Triumph

Mosque of Cordoba

Orange Tree Courtyard

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