Self-Guided Walking Tour of Athens

Essential Athens - Around the foot of the Acropolis


Start from First view of the Acropolis, Athens

Duration 130-135 min

Available offline


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About 🔎

Hello everyone! I am Maria and I am a licensed tourist guide in Athens. Today, with this audio tour we will be making a circle around the foot of the Acropolis Hill so you explore and discover the most historical part of Athens. As we move around the Acropolis area, I will share with you all of its' fascinating facts, myths, stories and secrets. You will also be able to take amazing photos, shop, mingle with the locals, and fall in love with my city! Most of the walk is at ground level and fits all ages. It will take you approximately two and a half hours to complete it depending on your pace and the breaks you make.

Created by Maria

Highlights ✨

First view of the Acropolis

The Acropolis Museum

The brief history of the Acropolis

The church of Agios Dimitrios Loubardiaris

The Hill of Pnyx

Metons' observatory

Thissio area and Mars Hill

Entering Plaka from Adrianou street

The Ancient Agora

Monastiraki square

Hadrians' Library

The tower of the winds

Upper Plaka from Lysiou street

Tripodon street-the most Ancient road in Europe to be in use

The Choregic Monument of Lysicrates

Hadrians' Arch

Temple of Olympian Zeus

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