Self-Guided Walking Tour of Antwerp

Highlights of Historical Antwerp, a City of All Times


Start from Antwerp Central Station, Antwerp

Duration 145-150 min

Available offline


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About 🔎

Hello everyone! I am Natalie and I will be your guide in Antwerp, the best city in the world according to Antwerpians. After this 2.5hr walking tour, you should be able to judge for yourself if the City of Rubens, Baroque and Diamonds with the 2nd largest port of Europe lives up to this claim. Be as it may, Antwerp is definitely a city of all times, as you'll see on this tour: from the Medieval Fortress on the Scheldt and the 16th-century Cathedral and City Hall, to the 19th-century Railroad Cathedral and the first skyscraper of Europe.

Created by Natalie

Highlights ✨

Antwerp Central Station

Diamond District

The Meir and City Events Hall (Stadsfeestzaal)


Paleis op de Meir

Former Stock Exchange




Het Steen

Butcher's Hall (Vleeshuis)

Grote Markt, City Hall and Brabo Fountain

Guild halls


Carolus Borromeus Church


Antwerp Beguinage

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