Self-Guided Walking Tour of Amsterdam

Anne Frank & Jordaan tour


Start from Maagdenhuis, Amsterdam

Duration 100-105 min

Available offline


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About 🔎

Hello everyone and welcome to the famous Canal Belt of Amsterdam. This tour will bring you to the Anne Frank House and 9 streets with their shops and eateries. We will also stop and look at some hidden gems along the route where I will guide you past TikTok lines and give you the opportunity to taste the same thing without the touristy waiting in line. This tour will last around 2 hours if you don't count the many stops to shop and sit down.

Created by Louke

Highlights ✨



De Krijtberg

Canal doors

9 streets

Felix Meritis

Pulitzer hotel


Anne Frank house

Homo Monument


Fort van Sjakoo

Space invader

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